Student Support Contact Details During Lockdown:
Additional Guidelines for Students from NauMai NZ - (A government site providing information for international students)
Alert Level 4
You must stay at home in your household bubble. You should not have visitors or socialise with anyone that you don’t usually live with.
You can travel for essential business only, like travelling to the supermarket.
If you must leave the house, make sure you keep your distance from others – at least two metres. You should wear a face covering when it is hard to physically distance, such as in supermarkets.
You can exercise close to your home but ensure you keep a two metre distance from others.
Educational facilities are closed.
Travel is severely limited.
All gatherings are cancelled and all public venues are closed.
Businesses are closed except for essential services - for example, supermarkets, pharmacies, clinics, petrol stations and lifeline utilities will stay open.
Alert Level 3
Stay home as much as you can. You must work from home if you are able to.
You may leave the house to buy essential supplies, such as groceries.
If you leave the house, make sure you keep your distance from others – two metres is best. You should wear a face covering when it is hard to physically distance, such as in supermarkets.
You must stay within your household bubble. You should not have visitors or socialise with anyone that you don’t usually live with.
School students should learn from home if they can.
Tertiary students will also need to study from home. However some tertiary students may be able to attend specialist classes (for example, those in science labs), but please check with your place of study ahead of time.
You may not travel in or out of your city or region unless you have a very good reason.
You may travel into your city if you usually live there, and you may leave your city if you usually live somewhere else in the country.
You are legally required to wear a face covering on all public transport, including buses, trains, ferries and aeroplanes. While it’s not compulsory to wear a face covering in taxis and ride-share cabs, you’re strongly encouraged to wear one.
Keep track of where you’ve been with the NZCOVID Tracer app.
Alert Level 2
At Alert Level 2, you can go to work and your place of study, but you must consider your health and that of people around you.
If you’re sick, stay home. Do not go to work or your place of study, and do not socialise.
When you leave the house, make sure you keep your distance from others – two metres is best. You should wear a face covering when it is hard to physically distance, such as in shops.
You are legally required to wear a face covering on all public transport, including buses, trains, ferries and aeroplanes. While it’s not compulsory to wear a face covering in taxis and ride-share cabs, you’re strongly encouraged to wear one.
Gatherings of more than 100 people are banned.
Keep track of where you’ve been with the NZCOVID Tracer app.
Alert Level 1
At Alert Level 1, we all need to be ready in case COVID-19 reappears in our community.
If you’re sick, stay home. Do not go to work or to your place of study, and do not socialise.
If you have cold, flu or COVID-19 symptoms, stay home and call your doctor or Healthline on 0800 358 5453 to see if you need a test.
Face coverings legally must be worn on public transport, domestic flights, and taxi and ride-share drivers — while it’s not compulsory for passengers to wear them, you’re strongly encouraged to wear one.
Keep up good handwashing practices, using soap and water for at least 20 seconds, and drying thoroughly.
Cough and sneeze into your elbow. Keep surfaces clean.
Keep track of where you’ve been with the NZCOVID Tracer app.
Things change quickly so stay up to date by following the links below:
For health advice, please refer to the Ministry of Health’s website.
For Cross-agency information about COVID-19 (novel coronavirus), including health advice and travel restrictions visit the All-of-Government website
To keep updated on travel restrictions and visa information visit
For additional advice for tertiary providers/whare wānanga visit the Ministry of Education website